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What is MantisHub?

MantisHub is a comprehensive issue and bug management system which is an essential tool in Project Management and Software developement. It allows you to create, assign, collaborate and resolve issues linked to your projects. There are a wealth of integrations and plugins to support your business processes, including SSO, Kanban, Slack Chat and Teams, Time Tracking, Announcements and more.

What is MantisHub Helpdesk?

MantisHub Helpdesk is a built-in customer ticketing system allowing you to receive support tickets via email from your clients. You can assign, colloborate internally and update your clients, all within MantisHub Helpdesk. And as it is included in your MantisHub subscriptions, you can do all this in parallel with your internal issue tracking and project mangement.

What is this space?

You’ll find here, our extensive knowledge base with step by step guides, links and tips on how to get the most out of MantisHub and MantisHub Helpesk. Browse or search as needed, and if you need help, our expert team is on hand to answer any of your questions.

Don’t forget to subscribe on twitter, youtube and our blog for all updates.

Haven’t tried it out yet? Sign up for a free trial here.

MantisHub might just be the ticket tracking tool you have been waiting for. It's lovingly handcrafted in Seattle