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Authentication Timeout

As a security feature, MantisHub will ask for re-authentication when a user attempts to access administration settings (Manage) or personal settings (My Account). By default re-authentication is triggered if user hasn't explicitly signed in (provided credentials) within the last 5 minutes.

Accessing regular MantisHub pages for managing issues doesn't trigger such re-authentication.

It is possible to change the timeout setting or turn off re-authentication altogether via a configuration option. Just head to Manage - Manage Configuration - Configuration Report and create a new configuration option as below:

To enable or disable re-authentication:

Username: All Users

Projects: All Projects

Configuration Option: reauthentication

Type: integer

Value: 0 - to disable, 1 - to enable

To adjust re-authentication timeout duration:

Username: All Users

Projects: All Projects

Configuration Option: reauthentication_expiry

Type: integer

Value: <time in seconds - default setting is 300>

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