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Monthly vs. Annual Plans

For even better value on our already low pricing, MantisHub offers Annual Plans.

For each of our month to month plan options Gold, Platinum or our bulk user plans, you can choose to move to an annual plan with a discounted rate and the convenience of a single statement per year.

Check out our pricing page for details. You can toggle between annual and monthly pricing to compare. You can also enter your expected user numbers into our pricing calculator to determine the most cost-effective annual plan for your needs.

For example, the annual plan rate for Gold and Platinum provides around 25% discount on the monthly pricing and locks that pricing in for 12months! This is a significant saving so well worth considering.

User and Storage pack add-ons are also charged at the discounted rate when you move to annual. We check your MantisHub once a month for any extra add-ons. We then pro-rate the charge until your next renewal and apply it to your registered payment method. See our Storage & User packs article for details.

You can switch your plan over at anytime by accessing your billing portal interface via the 'Billing' tab in your MantisHub. And we provide a 30-day money-back guarantee on all purchases!

MantisHub might just be the ticket tracking tool you have been waiting for. It's lovingly handcrafted in Seattle