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Invoice Billing Service

MantisHub can provide an invoice billing service. However, due to the extra overhead involved, this service has an annual surcharge of $75 and in order to qualify for this service, you must be on the Platinum plan paid annually.

Supported payment methods for invoices include the following methods:

  • One-off credit card payment
  • Bank transfer

When paying via bank transfer you will need to take into account any associated wire transfer/bank fees and INCLUDE this in your payment so that you do not have an outstanding balance after the transfer.

MantisHub does NOT accept payment by check.

If you choose to proceed with the invoice billing service then a copy of your invoice will be automatically generated on your billing date. Invoices will include all charges accrued throughout the year as well as your renewal charges. Invoices are emailed to your account contacts.

Please note that if you are on invoice billing and your user count or storage increases beyond what is included in your plan, charges will be accrued to your account to be paid at the end of your billing period. You will receive email notification of any changes to your account at the time that any increases are detected on your account (See Storage and User Pack Charges for more details). So you will need to keep track of changes to your storage usage and user account numbers as you will be liable for any charges at the end of your billing period. You can view this at any time via your Plan page.

Invoice payments must be made within 30 days of your invoice date. If payment is not received within 30 days you will receive a past due reminder and if left unresolved your account will be suspended.

Please reach out to support if you are interested in switching to invoice billing.

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