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MantisHub SOAP API

NOTE: The SOAP API is on a deprecation path. It is recommended that integrations using SOAP API switch to REST API since SOAP API will be removed in a future release.


MantisHub offers a SOAP webservice API that allows remotely accessing MantisHub from your language of choice.

WSDL and Endpoint

Here is a sample instance WSDL definition:

To access the target instance replace the first “yourmantishubname” in the URL above with the instance name. Note that API is not available for Bronze plan.

API Version

The API shares the same version with MantisHub. Such version can be retrieved via the following API. This is typically the first API called.

  • mc_version - gets the version of the MantisHub instance.

Issue Management

  • mc_issue_exists - check if an issue exists.
  • mc_issue_get - gets the details of the specified issue.
  • mc_issue_get_history - gets the history for the specified issues.
  • mc_issue_get_biggest_id - gets the id of the last issue reported.
  • mc_issue_get_id_from_summary - gets the id of an issue given its summary (title).
  • mc_issue_add - submits an issue.
  • mc_issue_update - updates an issue.
  • mc_issue_set_tags - tag an issue.
  • mc_issue_delete - delete an issue.
  • mc_issue_note_add - submit a comment.
  • mc_issue_note_delete - delete a comment.
  • mc_issue_note_update - update a comment.
  • mc_issue_relationship_add - add issue relationship.
  • mc_issue_relationship_delete - delete issue relationship.
  • mc_issue_attachment_add - add issue attachment.
  • mc_issue_attachment_delete - delete issue attachment.
  • mc_issue_attachment_get - get issue attachment info.
  • mc_issue_checkin - Notifies MantisBT of a check-in for the issue with the specified id. (deprecated feature)

Custom Fields

  • mc_enum_custom_field_types - gets the custom field definition types.


  • mc_tag_get_all - get all defined tags.
  • mc_tag_add - add a tag.
  • mc_tag_delete - delete a tag.


  • mc_filter_get - get the filters defined for the specified project.
  • mc_filter_get_issues - get the issues that match the specified filter and paging details. Pass “-1” for the per_page parameter to get all issues.
  • mc_filter_get_issue_headers - get the issue headers that match the specified filter and paging details. Pass “-1” for the per_page parameter to get all issues.


  • mc_config_get_string - get the value for the specified configuration variable.
  • mc_enum_status - gets the enumeration values and labels for statuses.
  • mc_enum_priorities - gets the enumeration values and labels for priorities.
  • mc_enum_severities - gets the enumeration values and labels for severities.
  • mc_enum_reproducibilities - gets the enumeration values and labels for reproducibilities.
  • mc_enum_projections - gets the enumeration values and labels for projections.
  • mc_enum_etas - gets the enumeration values and labels for ETAs.
  • mc_enum_resolutions - gets the enumeration values and labels for resolutions.
  • mc_enum_access_levels - gets the enumeration values and labels for access levels.
  • mc_enum_project_status - gets the enumeration values and labels for project statuses.
  • mc_enum_project_view_states - gets the enumeration values and labels for project view states.
  • mc_enum_view_states - gets the enumeration values and labels for issue view states.
  • mc_enum_get - gets the enumeration values and labels given its name.

Project Management

  • mc_project_add - create a project.
  • mc_project_delete - delete a project (and all issues under it).
  • mc_project_update - update project information.
  • mc_project_get_id_from_name - get project id given its name.
  • mc_project_get_issues_for_user - get issues assigned to a user, reporter by user, monitored by user, etc.
  • mc_project_get_issue_headers - get header information for issues.
  • mc_project_get_users - get users explicitly added to the project.
  • mc_projects_get_user_accessible - get projects accessible to the user.
  • mc_project_get_categories - get categories associated with the project.
  • mc_project_add_category - add a category to the specified project.
  • mc_project_delete_category - delete category from specified project.
  • mc_project_rename_category_by_name - rename a category.
  • mc_project_get_versions - get versions associated with the specified project.
  • mc_project_version_add - adds a project version.
  • mc_project_version_update - updates a project version.
  • mc_project_version_delete - delete a project version.
  • mc_project_get_released_versions - get project versions that are marked as released.
  • mc_project_get_unreleased_versions - get project versions that are marked as unreleased.
  • mc_project_get_attachments - get project documents (deprecated feature).
  • mc_project_get_custom_fields - get custom fields associated with the project.
  • mc_project_attachment_get - get project document (deprecated feature).
  • mc_project_attachment_add - adds a project document (deprecated feature).
  • mc_project_attachment_delete - deletes a project document (deprecated feature).
  • mc_project_get_all_subprojects - gets list of sub-projects.


  • mc_login - validate user credentials and return information about the user account.
  • mc_user_pref_get_pref - gets user preferences
  • mc_user_profiles_get_all - gets environment profiles associated with user.

Client Libraries

MantisHub might just be the ticket tracking tool you have been waiting for. It's lovingly handcrafted in Seattle