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Email Reporting and Spam

Now that we have opened up the ability to report issues and issue notes via email, it is expected to have concerns about spam. There are several approaches to how you can protect your tracker against spam.

  • Anti-spam - all emails go through anti-spam before being considered for addition as issues. Hence, if there is an email that is caught by anti-spam, you won't be getting it.
  • Restricting sender address - If you don't really need anyone on the internet to submit issues via email, then restrict submission to users who have MantisHub accounts (i.e. their email address is associated with a registered user).
  • Inbox Project - Create a project that just acts as a landing place for issues that can be triaged and then moved to the appropriate project. This reduces the number of people who may be spammed if a spam issue is created.

No spam filter is perfect, so if an issue is created that is spam, users can delete it.

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